
26th November 2016


A little update before year end on coffee, equipment and generally what’s been going on with Silverskin Coffee and myself.


 “The” Christmas hamper is back. The perfect gift for the loved ones in your life or for yourself 🙂 This years’ hamper is brimming with beautiful coffee and can be purchased here.https://www.staging.silverskincoffee.ie/products/kits/silverskin-christmas-coffee-hamper



We have some new coffee arriving all the time and just received some beauties from Marta and the team in Coffee Bird http://www.coffee-bird.com The guys here are obsessed with quality and really deliver some beautiful and unique Guatemalan & El Salvador lots. These are now available from the webshop, you’d like to taste them you can always pop along to Bobby and Yvonne who are serving them up on brewbar (with all their usual meticulous might) at Twobeans DĂşn Laoghaire,http://twobeans.ie



Just arrived and installed is our new de-stoner. During the processing of green coffee various foreign materials find their way into the green coffee bags – stones, metal objects, glass and more. These objects, if not removed, can bring serious harm to equipment such as grinders. Even the highest quality coffee are suseptible to foregin bodies and even if there is no chance of contamination it is better to safeguard against it than not.  A De-Stoner is the machine that pneumatically removes these foreign objects from the roasted coffee and drops them into a sieve. Our De-Stoner also comes with a frequency inverter that allows the user to adjust the airflow according to the coffee variety or roast degree.



The reason for the delay to the webshop with the Guats is a little project we’ve been working on with some new equipment. Recently we bought a scace tester and a Vesuvius pressure profiling machine.https://www.espressoparts.com/scace-2-espresso-machine-thermofilter-temperature-pressure-device This device allows you to check temperature and pressure at the grouphead as opposed to reading it from the guage on your espresso machine. There is no real way (apart with this tool) to get a accurate reading.  The Vesuvius is a pressure profiling machine available here http://www.elcor.it/vesuvius-en/. Accurately measuring pump pressure and designing roast profiles for different pressure has become a little bit of an obbsession. There are lots of debates and opinion online as to whether pressure profiling is “the next big thing” or not online. Here are some links to some articles http://www.perfectdailygrind.com/2015/08/pressure-profiling-the-key-to-good-extraction/



I am looking forward to sharing the results of this soon.


In 2017 we will be finally receiving our new state of the art packing line. A machine produces a beautiful gusset bag with 4-hot edges in en route. This machine will allow for all our coffee to be packaged immediately after roasting (whch is our current practice) ribbon coded, date printed with a valve for freshness added as the pack is formed. As well as the main vertical sealing machine there are elevators, conveyers, multi-weigh system and packaging equipmet.  This will ensure all of our customers are getting the very latest technological, quality assured packaging with full taceability standards.

To say we are excited is an understament.


Andrew Aitchinson has joined the team, a chef and all round good guy Andy is looking after the packaging and warehouse duties. As well as this Andy is the delivery driver and barista in training.

True cold brew
Not all cold brew is created equal, that’s why we developed Ireland’s first proper cold brew.

While you’re here

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