Since its inception, Silverskin Coffee has been driven by a passion for quality and innovation in the coffee industry. What began in a small kiosk in Ballsbridge, Dublin, quickly evolved into a celebrated local hub known for its fresh, roasted coffee and ever-changing menu of origins, regions, and processing methods. This dedication to excellence earned Silverskin accolades, including Best Coffee in Dublin in 2014 and Best Customer Service in 2015.
Building on this success, Silverskin expanded into roasting and wholesaling, establishing a state-of-the-art roastery in Dublin 10. With advanced technology and sustainable practices, the company ensures that each batch of coffee is packed immediately after roasting, preserving its freshness and flavor.

Today, Silverskin Coffee sources specialty beans from the world’s finest farms, focusing on hybrid varietals and experimental fermentation. By collaborating with farmers who respect the land and the craft, Silverskin continues to push the boundaries of what coffee can be.

Christian Safie
Unitrade Guatemala

Jorge Mendez
Coffee Blossom Honey Guatemala

Rigoberto Herrera
Café Granja La Esperanza Colombia

Valentin Kimenyi
Gasharu Coffee Rwanda

Rafa Silva
Si Cafe El Salvador

Andres Salaverria
Jasal El Salvador

Nicholas Hammond
Finca Catalan Guatemala

Lucas Venturim
Fazenda Venturim Brazil