World of coffee 2022

29th June 2022

After three years without travelling, we finally made it back to World Of Coffee ’22 in Milan and in true 2022 fashion it involved planes, trains and automobiles.

When booking the event I had contemplated not booking a transfer and having a bit of an adventure and a break from the norm. As it turns out I needn’t  have worried, the universe had sorted out that adventure for me anyway.

A rather large storm kicked off in Milan, which meant a delay on the flights and planes being diverted out of Milan to surrounding cities.

Upon arrival we found out there was a taxi strike so the bus was our preferred mode of transport.

Worryingly my phone was on the dreaded 5% battery life and gave up the ghost just as we hit central station. So on a wing and a prayer I quizzed locals on the best way to get to my hotel (which I had half remembered was called Mirage something or other).

Two very kind strangers put me on the very last metro heading out of the city and wished me luck.

On this  journey I bumped into the Australian latte art champion Victor Vu along with his brother and girlfriend. I had spotted their competitor badges, so introduced myself. Victor told me he had just made it to the finals of the competition a couple of hours earlier.

After chatting for a bit Victor asked where I was from, “Dublin Ireland” I say, “oh really I know a guy from there who saved my colleague’s World Barista Championship routine a few years back” that guy was indeed  myself.

(if you’ve never heard the story you can have a listen here)!94f9a

This story has reverberated around the coffee world and myself and Martin got a chance to meet and reminisce at the show. What happened that weekend in Dublin (2016) has created a bond between us that can never be broken.

Martin is one of the most genuine people I have ever had the pleasure to meet and get to know.

Have a read here

World Of Coffee Milan did not disappoint at all. Bigger and better competitions, stands, products and of course coffee.

A great chance to meet old friends and share stories, meet new friends and forge new connections.

When we finished up we headed to

But that’s a whole other story.



True cold brew
Not all cold brew is created equal, that’s why we developed Ireland’s first proper cold brew.

While you’re here

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