Tuesday June 18th Dublin, Ireland
It’s not everyday you get to host the worldwide sales team of a company like Marco Beverage Systems https://marcobeveragesystems.com but that is the exact situation we found ourselves in last Tuesday night.
Marco have released their new cold brew concentrate system and asked if we might host and talk a little around CB at this private event.
We have used the Marco system and created some amazing concentrate .
It’s main purpose is to replicate a concentrate here and across our brew tanks in the roastery.
We kicked off the evening with some pizza, beers and our very own Porterhouse collaboration. https://untappd.com/b/the-porterhouse-brew-co-slvrskin/4911039
This 24-hour boil stout was aged in a Dingle Whiskey cask, which was originally a Pedro Ximénez sherry butt.
We added cold brew in the initial brew to concentrate the malt flavours and develop other complex flavours. 
Resulting beer was matured for 9 months in Dingle Distillery Bourbon casks after which a second addition of coffee was made, this time as a cold brew into the conditioning tanks before canning. https://staging.silverskincoffee.ie/2023/01/17/slvrskin-stout-event/
Next was a guided tour and discussion of our recent cold brew installation. We had a small demo of how the plant works and moved onto out roastery machinery.
Next was a Q&A regarding cold brew landscape.
Finally we served up a concentrate using Hacienda Sonora Pyramide Fermentation. https://staging.silverskincoffee.ie/product/sonora-centroamericana-piramide-natural/